Expandable presents mostly figurative works, pictorial portraits created in the atmosphere of the film portrait. The preference for the portrait genre seems to come from its ability to emphasize the identity and cultural diversity of the subjects but also from the intention to explore the plastic means capable of valuing the messages transmitted by the human or animal body.
These portraits, which we can easily call “stop-frames”, being framed most of the time from the forehead to the shoulder, take over a strong cinematic influence, namely the “foreground”, managing to open a gate to a parallel world – which the cinematography also tries to illustrate, through its specific means.
Along with the portraits, we will discover a smaller number of conceptual works, inspired by the Fashion Nature Home area, in which we quickly notice the artist’s versatility, the ease of changing the compositional-stylistic register, the latter reminiscent of touches, light, the atmosphere of plein air painting and through it, maintaining a relevant balance in terms of value, between the artistic concept and artistic achievement.
“(…) when I am in front of the canvas, I build from gestures, impulses, and color, something that often is only revealing at the end. And it is surprising.
I work to keep up with the impulses that come from the memories and imaginings I have while reflecting on a theme. For example, I am amazed by how much humanity and sublimeness are reflected in the gestures that a couple of lions have when they fondle each other or play together. And I never draw conclusions, so that what is on the canvas could always continue…”
Ina Vădeanu
27th of March 2020
Art Historian
Corina Irsik, Čistač / The Cleaner, 2020
Corina Irsik, Feathers, 2020
Corina Irsik, Fashion.Nature.Home (1), 2019
Corina Irsik, Bison Bison, 2019
Corina Irsik, FashionAble, 2019
Corina Irsik, In the wind, 2019
Corina Irsik, The Boys, 2018
Corina Irsik, The Chair, 2019 Sold
Corina Irsik, Neurology, 2018
Corina Irsik, Urban, 2019 Sold
Corina Irsik, Aletha, 2019
Corina Irsik, Actor, 2019
Corina Irsik, Family, 2019
Corina Irsik, Zorea, 2019 Sold
Bogdan, 2018 Sold
Corina Irsik, Black Lion, 2019 Sold
Corina Irsik, Fashion.Nature.Home (2), 2019
Corina Irsik, “Love you, my queen”, 2019 Sold
Corina Irsik, Look and touch, 2020 Sold
Corina Irsik, Friend, 2019
Corina Irsik, Nomadic Home, 2020
Corina Irsik, S(h)elf, 2019
Corina Irsik, Feathers (2), 2020